How to invoke the Violet Flame Angels in times of flash floods, excessive rain, severe storms and other climate disasters
re-script the invocation to address earthquakes, tsunamis, snow storms etc.
Hello everyone,
The energies have shifted and I felt a strong urge to rename my publication from ‘Lifting the Veil’ to ‘Ascending to 5D’, as you can see from the new email banner and footer below this post. I continue receiving guidance from Spirit and taking action as guided. And I hope you are also taking the time to receive guidance daily as recommended by Lady Nada in my last post. Change happens gradually by the daily positive actions we take. Now on to my post.
In April I wrote an article on how we can invoke the Violet Flame Angels to assist us and the planet during times of extreme hot weather and wildfires. You will find the link to that article right after my post below.
Recently I read news about floods in Southern Thailand where more than half a million households were affected due to severe floods. And in Northern Malaysia more than 100,000 were displaced due to floods as well. And I did a quick search on-line and discovered that several European countries were badly affected a couple of months ago by severe floods as well. And in USA several states were affected quite badly by Hurricane Helene.
So I decided to create a script to invoke the Violet Flame Angels to assist us with severe floods and wet weather disasters. If you too feel drawn to invoke them I invite you to join me to invoke daily, for the next seven days, at a time that’s convenient for you.
In this article and the video posted you’ll get to read and listen to the 3-step exercise, the invocation, and additional notes. Following that I talked a little more about the exercise.
The 3-Step Exercise
This is an exercise to invoke the Violet Flame Angels during severe storms, flash floods and excessive rain. This is a 3 step process. Following the invocation are several additional notes.
1 - Find a quiet space where you will not be disturbed.
2 - Speak out loud, with reverence and earnestness from the heart, the invocation to the Angels.
3 - Right after invoking shut your eyes, feel compassion for the people affected, and feel peaceful and calm in your heart. Stay in this state for about half a minute. Know that the Angels heard your call for help and they are on it.
Script to invoke the Violet Flame Angels
"In the name of the great I AM Presence, I call upon the millions of Violet Flame angels to flood the planet with Violet Fire and diminish the suffering in humans, in nature, including the elementals, who have been displaced from their homes, caused by severe floods, strong winds, excessive rain and other extreme weather and climate events. Protect all from harm, and bring them to safety. Let the flood waters recede quickly so work can begin to reconstruct and repair homes and buildings, and rebuild lives.
Balance the clouds, calm the winds, waters and rain and give us fair weather in each country, and allow for each inhabitant including the elementals to once again go about their day comfortably and peacefully.
I ask that these actions be sustained until perfection is restored. I am grateful for the work you do for our planet and all her inhabitants. And so be it.”
Notes about this exercise:
1 - You may do this exercise once a day and for however long you feel drawn to do it, depending on the situation in the countries affected. Be guided by your intuition.
2 - You may tailor the script to suit each situation. For example, you may add the specific names of countries affected by the disasters. The script I provided is for all countries on the planet.. If it's for a specific natural disaster like earthquake and tsunamis, pls modify the script accordingly. The angels can also help divert the disasters to another area where there will be less impact on natural lives. Listen to your intuition as you re-script the invocation to meet the planet’s needs.
3- You may invoke the Violet Flame Angels whenever you learn of climate disasters or extreme weather patterns happening anywhere on the planet. I am referring to intense floods, storms, tsunamis, typhoons, hurricanes, cyclones, earthquakes, heat waves, droughts, and wildfires, etcetera.
In my April article I provided information on the Violet Flame Angels and the elementals. Hence, I will not repeat that information here.
Pls. continue to pray for all who are recovering from these climate disasters across the world these past months. Envision them receiving the support they need, physically, mentally, emotionally and financially to help them rebuild their homes and lives. It will take many hands and opened hearts and I know we will rise to the occasion.
I will edit the page on my website that’s dedicated to the Violet Flame Angels Invocation and I’ll do my best to provide scripts to address the different types of climate disasters. You will find the link to that page below as well.
Until my next post, stay open-hearted and look out for one another.
Much love and blessings,
Your Ascension Mentor
Page on my website dedicated to Invocation to the Violet Flame Angels to help humanity and Earth with alleviating climate disasters:
Helping Humanity and the Planet
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